Tuesday, August 08, 2006



I won't be writing much this week.
Life is chaotic at the moment.
Sorting school, work, some side creative projects, and things in general is proving to be all-consuming.
So without many details, here are some pictures from last weekend and a funny email I got in my inbox this morning:

If you are having a hard time deciding between turning groupie and following your favorite band around or to stay put in your accounting job, help is at hand. Try bibliomancy. Here's the step-by-step method:

1. Pick a book you trust a lot.
2. Put it on its spine, and let it falls open.
3. With your eyes closed, trace your finger to a passage.
4. Interpret the passage as your life map to the future.

You could even add more randomness to the process. To do that at the macro
level, visit a library and pick a book at random from the shelves. At the
micro level, instead of interpreting a passage, pick a single word and let
it point you to your path.

Pictures of kareoke with the film crew:

Pictures from PM with my friend Megan and the playboys (all brothers, two of which are twins. They clearly read the book, THE GAME: PENETRATING THE SECRET SOCIETY OF PICKUP ARTISTS):

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“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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