Monday, September 10, 2007

a look at the mundane

It's been a while since I've blogged. I suppose that's the result of being busy and not finding my day-to-day activities really worthy of text. With that in mind, here is my To Do list for today:

1. Finish RT edit: make sure deck is rented and German version laid off to send ASAP.
This is a TV show I'm writing, producing and just finishing up.
2. Finish packing: load car and move.
Yes, I am moving again. It's guaranteed to happen every 4-6 months. The move is only temporary, or at least that's what's anticipated. I am actually moving into my boyfriend's apartment as it's significantly cheaper and more spacious than mine. We've been living in my place for the past 3 months but we'll now be renting it out to save money, like sensible people.
3. Update resume.
Hard to keep track of what I've been doing otherwise.
4. Do dishes.
Cause, ya know, they should be done.
5. Email Johan to arrange key drop off.
Johan is the sweet Swede who will be taking over my place for a while.
6. Book van for refrigerator: organize for pickup.
Marc's apartment doesn't currently have a refrigerator so I found a good one we can put in once we move but we need a truck to pick it up with.
7. Get paycheck.
Goes without saying that we all need to get paid….
8. Nap.
I'm friggin' tired.
9. Go to Sophie's party.
It's Sophie's birthday and it's a late night party, which is why that nap is all the more imperative.
10. Stop procrastinating by way of blogging.
See, not much to report so now I'll go actually do something with myself. Hmmm… maybe I'll start by napping.

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“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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