Thursday, November 23, 2006

gobble gobble

Happy Turkey/Tofurkey Day Everyone!!!

This day brings back memories of my mother in the kitchen making two versions of her infamous stuffing (one with mushrooms, one without. I like the mushrooms); memories of Steve firing up the Barbie (as in BBQ) for his aromatic smoked Turkey; or of last years awe-inspiring Turducken my sister Ariel and her boyfriend Colin made for us.
Food and family are perhaps the two dearest things to my heart, so logic would follow that this is one of my favorite holidays.

Another one of my favorite things?
Flying when no one else does, so this year I will be celebrating Thanksgiving a little differently. Right now, it's noon and I am in bed having just woken up from the best sleep I've had in weeks. I am going to get up, turn on some good music, go on a little run, come home, shower, pack, and then head to the airport, which should be empty as everyone but me will be sinking their teeth into edibles elsewhere. Then I will get to happily stretch out over two or three seats while I cruise ten thousand feet above the feasters before landing peacefully in San Diego, otherwise known as 'a whale's vagina.'
It will be a nice week of Californian sunshine for me, with a couple days spent in San Diego and the rest spent relaxing in LA with friends.
So that's my Thanksgiving.

As for you, three cheers wherever you are.
Have a wonderful holiday, and thanks.

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“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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