Thursday, April 29, 2010

Introducing Mila

There's a beautiful new member in my family. Say hello to my lovely second cousin, Mila :)


Pogo_Lynch said...

Hello Alexis
My name is Pogo, from the blog 'Patton Archivo'
I knew that yu recorder the past concert of the Music for 16 Futurist Noise Intoners
Is there any posibility to share this document?
Please, let me know if you can. My mail is

Thank you very much!

Alexis Stember said...

Hi Pogo,
Unfortunately after uploading the file to the web, I deleted the master which I've learned never to do because now the site I uploaded to is defunct and I can't retrieve the recording. Sorry to deliver bad news but if I have any luck finding another copy, I will let you know.

Pogo_Lynch said...

Thank you very much Alexis.
It would be fantastic live that incredible experience.
Cheers from Chile and thanks again :)

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“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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