Friday, November 13, 2009

Music for 16 Futurist Noise Intoners

Music for 16 Futurist Noise Intoners
Music for 16 Futurist Noise Intoners
Music for 16 Futurist Noise Intoners
Apologies for the bootleg soundtrack (recorder placed under my chair). Description of the night from the Performa website:
Music for 16 Futurist Noise Intoners "is an evening-length concert of original scores and newly commissioned compositions for the intonarumori, or “noise-intoners” As part of its celebration of the 100th anniversary of Italian Futurism, the Performa 09 biennial, in collaboration with the Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC) and SFMOMA, has invited Luciano Chessa to direct a reconstruction project to produce accurate replicas the legendary instruments (8 noise families of 1-3 instruments each, in various registers) that Russolo built in Milan in the summer of 1913. As the first instruments capable of creating and manipulating noises through entirely mechanical processes, the intonarumori can be considered to be the original analog synthesizer, and the ancestors to the latest electronic synthesizers used today."

Back to the Future, California - Ulrich Krieger


Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

is it possible for you to share your bootleg of this concert ?!? pleeaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Anonymous said...

you can send it to if you want ;-) ...

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