first and foremost, thank you to everyone who came out on tuesday night. it was a fantastic experience for us to see so many people filling the Canal Room. i don't know about the rest of the band but i was floored and honored by the turnout. thank you to Megan Bienstock, without whom the show would have never happened, and thank you to the awesome organization GenArt for plugging us and getting so many of their people out to see us. i am going to be posting a clip from the show shortly, as soon as i have time to load the concert footage that honorable mayor (as he's known) Christopher J. Scott took. thank you CS. as usual, you're our hero.
there's still a bunch more going on this week. tonight, there is the fundraiser/party; friday, Moby's new band is playing at arlene's grocery; and saturday, David Gaynes is throwing a huge fundraiser/party for his documentary SAVING HUBBLE, at which i will be taking part in the reading of a docu-play constructed around the letters of nikola tesla.
as for other news, i quit my advertising job on tuesday (well, gave notice. i'm not actually done until the end of the month) and am officially striking out into the freelancing world. i've already lined up most of my year's work and i am thrilled about the future. as i wrote in my parting letter to my wonderful co-workers here at the agency, "I just wanted to take a minute to let you all know that after two+ wonderful years here, I will be leaving the agency at the end of the month to start writing and producing for a new PBS show, as well as associate producing (and co-directing in one case) three other documentary films, among other things."
i am sincerely going to miss all the people here at BBDO. they've been fantastic to me i am extraordinarily grateful to have been fortunate enough to work with them.