Monday, July 24, 2006

can you hear me now?

Sometimes I have so much to say that I cant get anything down on paper. Its just a bunch of darting notes, thoughts that I will one day sit and elaborate upon, but which right now I cant. Too much to say and no quick way to say it except to touch on the political stuff briefly (a brush fire of a blog can easily turn into a wildfire of one if I really start). I am absolutely horrified, more horrified and infuriated than I have ever been, after todays phone call "database" revelation. This is by no means the worst crime this administration has ever committed, but it is for me the absolute last straw. Quite frankly, I dont know what to say anymore Im so angry, so I'll just leave it to the professionals and shut up for a bit...
Go here for story

1 comment:

Borrego said...

I stumbled upon your blog, and I must say, I like it, keep it up and tell more, hasta pronto.

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“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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